Saturday 17 December 2011

never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves...

“Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)."
Quran: Surah Ar-Rad - Ayat 11.

Our most hidden thoughts and motives are known to Allah at all times
Every person, whether he conceals or reveals his thoughts, whether he skulks in darkness or goes about by day, all are under Allah’s watch and ward. His grace encompasses everyone, and again and again protects him, if he will only take the protection, from harm and evil. If in his folly he thinks he can secretly take some pleasure or profit, he is wrong, for recording angels record all his thoughts and deeds.
Allah is not intent on punishment. He created man virtuous and pure; he gave him intelligence and knowledge; he surrounded him with all sorts of instruments of His grace and mercy. If, in spite of all this, man distorts his own will and goes against Allah’s Will, yet is Allah’s forgiveness open to him if he will take it. It is only when he has made his own sight blind and changed his own nature or soul away from the beautiful mould in which Allah formed it, that Allah’s Wrath will descend on him and the favourable position in which Allah placed him will be changed. When once the punishment comes, there is no turning it back. None of the things which he relied upon- other than Allah-can possibly protect him.

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